Building Capacities of ALE Stakeholders

In order for the adult education partnership to function in a long-term and sustainable way, strengthening the capacity of the partners is crucial in this process. DVV International – Country Office Bosnia and Herzegovina, with its activities in 2021, has contributed to the structural and staff-related improvements in the field of adult education within relevant institutions in B&H. The activities included improving the work and cooperation of all relevant actors.

The activities include five cantons of the Federation of BiH (Una-Sana Canton, Bosnia-Podrinje Canton of Goražde, Sarajevo Canton, Tuzla Canton, and the West Herzegovina Canton) and the entity of Republika Srpska.

Webinars on current topics in adult education

This activity is intended for key actors in the field of adult education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This includes representatives of ministries of education, labor and finance from various levels, pedagogical institutes, organizers of adult education (schools - public and private, universities, NGOs), development agencies and employers.

Topics of webinars:

  1. The role of EU and Erasmus + projects in strengthening adult education
  2. Results of the Qualitative Study on Adult Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  3. Shared responsibility - the importance of cross-sectoral cooperation in adult education
  4. Digital tools for communication, productivity and collaboration in the online environment
  5. Positioning adult education in the media

Workshop: Financing adult education - the foundation of education policy

The aim of the workshop was to introduce participants to different models of financing adult education and learning, as well as to educate them about the importance and manner of sharing responsibilities for creating adult education policy, especially in the field of financial issues. One of the goals was to emphasize the need to involve various social partners and stakeholders in financing the adult education system. Lecturer-trainer was Prof. Katarina Popović, Ph.D., Secretary General of the International Council for Adult Education ICAE, Full Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade and member of the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame.

Strengthening Digital Competence

The two-day training lasting 16 hours is intended for professional associates/advisors and assistant ministers for adult education. Given the circumstances of the pandemic but also the rapidly growing technology, digital competence has become key to overcoming the crisis situation. It is one of the eight key competences of lifelong learning and refers to the reliable use of the full range of digital technologies for information, communication and solving basic problems in all aspects of life. The overall goal of the training is to develop and strengthen the technical skills needed to do business in the digital age. Eighteen participants successfully completed the training.

Training „Methodology of development of adult education programs”

The general objective of the training was to train participants to understand basic principles in the development of adult education programs and strengthen competencies for elaboration, structure and assessment of outcome-based adult education programs. The training content covered all steps in developing adult education programs (specification of work, specification of learning, specification of learning requirements and specification of evaluation and assessment) as a baseline for defining respective standards. The training was carried out by Prof. Šefika Alibabić, Ph.D. and Prof. Jovan Miljković, Ph.D. from the Department for Andragogy of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade.

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