Academy of Women's Entrepreneurship - Supporting Women in Business Development
According to the modern economic researches, women have main economic role in innovating at the market and creating new work places. In that way, they contribute to the global economic growth as well as to the growth of local communities. That has caused many changes in policy making in this field at European level, so now women’s entrepreneurship is not a gender equality issue, but an economical issue.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, there is still very notable gap between men’s and women’s entrepreneurship and really high number of unemployed women, even though there are many intensive efforts to promote women’s entrepreneurship in the last few years. According to the data of Federal Statistical Office from June 2016, number of unemployed women in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is higher than 50%, and in Sarajevo Canton higher than 60%.
In order to at least partially answer the numerous challenges and provide support to women in overcoming them, a partner organization Centre for Research and Education "Nahla", in cooperation with DVV International, in 2017 implemented the project "Academy of Women's Entrepreneurship - Supporting Women in Business Development".
Curriculum consisted of 120 classes from eight fields: entrepreneurship, leadership, legal framework of business, financial framework of business, marketing, sales and sales management, communication skills and business plan.
After the completion of the training, all participants started writing final business plans for their business ideas, and the comprehensiveness, validity and applicability of the business plans created have shown that all 15 participants have completed the training successfully and are more or less ready to enter the market defined in their business plans.
Award for the best business plan, financial support in amount of KM 2.000,00 for launching business, went to Ms. Silvija Fejzagić and her business idea of launching a small business for wood working and production of wood products „Duborez CNC“.
Participants: 15 unemployed women from the area of Sarajevo Canton and neighbouring cantons, between 20 and 45 years of age, who have a business idea willing to achieve it.
Duration: 120 hours of training + five months of mentoring
Project goals:
- To contribute to the economic empowerment of women and promotion of women's entrepreneurship and self-employment in Sarajevo Canton and neighbouring cantons by supporting women in business development,
- To develop/enhance entrepreneurial competencies of long-term unemployed women at risk of social exclusion,
- To strengthen socio-emotional competencies of unemployed women after the long period of unemployment,
- Through quality mentoring encourage women to develop own business ideas.