Skill Accelerator – Development of Digital and Soft Skills for the Current and Future Labour Market
In cooperation with the partner organisation „Association for Local Development Initiatives – ALDI“ Goražde, DVV International - Country Office Bosnia and Herzegovina implements the project „Skill Accelerator – Development of Digital and Soft Skills for the Current and Future Labour Market“.
Association ALDI is a civil society organisation which is active in the field of economic development and development of capacities of the public, private and NGO sector in BiH for 22 years. Since 2008 the organisation is focused on the development of knowledge and skills of adults aimed at higher employability and mobility on the labour market. Activities of ALDI in the field of adult education so far represent the turning point for active employment policies and have been recognised as a successful model of combating unemployment through training and involvement in the economic life of unemployed persons, as well as through direct participation in the elaboration of the Law on adult education of BPC Goražde and the Strategy for adult education of BPC Goražde for the period 2018-2022.
Intensive digitalisation of the economy and society and fast technological development request a fast response of the education system to the labour market needs and the needs of the beneficiaries/potential employees and employers, respectively. Digital literacy is one of the key terms of the functional literacy in the modern age. Furthermore, the employers nowadays more often ask for “soft skills” which, among others, include interpersonal competencies, presentation and negotiation skills etc.
Main objective of this project is improvement of labour force skills through extending of capacities for training of adults in accordance with the needs of the modern labour market.
The achievement of the main objective is to be reached through following:
- enhancement of the offer of accredited training programmes in the field of digital and soft skills, which shall increase the relevance and mobility of the labour force;
- raising awareness of young adults on importance of acquisition of new knowledge and skills relevant for the labour market through promotion of lifelong learning;
- improvement of position and visibility of unemployed young people through development of digital and soft skills within the accredited training programme.
Project objectives are in line with the new Skills Agenda for Europe, adopted by the European Commission in 2016.
Target group: Unemployed persons, aged 18-34, with secondary education or university degree
Project duration: April – December 2019