At the beginning of the year, Faculty of Political Sciences of University of Sarajevo established the Lifelong Learning Center whose activities will be directed to organization of adult education programs, that is, short-term non-degree programs of professional development, as well as trainings directed to professional development and empowerment of competencies of all interested potential participants from the core business fields of the Faculty of Political Sciences of University of Sarajevo (sociology, politology, communicology, social work, and security and peace studies).
Considering the importance of adult and non-formal education as an instrument to foster the participation of the people in cultural, social, economic and sustainable development, DVV International - Country Office B&H has recognized the importance of the establishment of this center, and will give both financial and professional support to its development.
In that regard, the Agreement on Cooperation between these two institutions was signed on 3rd of October at Faculty of Political Sciences of University of Sarajevo, and the signatories are Prof.Dr. Šaćir Filandra, Dean of Faculty of Political Sciences and Emir Avdagić, director of DVV International - Country Office B&H. The Agreement includes professional and financial support to implementation of the Center's activities and a purchase of technical equipment needed for the implementation of these activities. Implementation of the Agreement will be finished until the end of 2017.
Besides previously mentioned activities, Lifelong Learning Center plans also to organize and implement summer and winter schools for students of the Faculty, as well as for other interested participants, in cooperation with other organizational units of the University of Sarajevo, and other domestic and foreign educational institutions. Organization of conferences, seminars, round tables, etc. is also part of the program plan of the Center.
The agreement is part of DVV International's strategy and is in accordance with its aim of supporting adult education, inter alia, in transitional countries of Southeast Europe, Caucasus and Turkey.