Eleven Key Recommendations for Improvement of Adult Education Legislation

Participants were representatives of 6 cantons of FB&H, Republic of Srpska and Brčko District
Group work - Standards and Norms in Adult Education
Group work - Adult Education Programmes
More than 50 items/needs for improvement and harmonisation have been identified
Dr. Perica Ivanek from District Brčko presenting the needs for improvement and further steps

Second meeting on „Laws and Regulation in the Field of Adult Education“ was held on 22nd and 23rd of November in Jahorina, and the focus was, this time, set on detailed analysis of results and conclusions from the first meeting, held in October 2018, and harmonising of recommendations for improvement.

Participants of this meeting were legal associates and contact persons for adult education in responsible institutions from, in total, 6 cantons of the Federation of B&H, and from the Republic of Srpska and District Brčko.

Four main topics, identified during the first meeting as necessary to be improved, better defined and as much harmonised as possible, were analysed by using several interactive methods. These four topics are: standards and norms in adult education, process of establishing and verifying of adult education providers, adult education programmes - process of accreditation, duration and manner of implementation, and public documents in adult education - content, form, and protection.

According to the results of the analysis, it was determined that the need for changing and/or harmonising regulation exists in all administrative units, and there are more than 50 concrete items that should be considered in the process of improving the field of adult education.

Based on the analysis of all existing laws and regulation, carried out within the first and the second meeting, and the analysis of its implementation and applicability in practice, eleven key recommendations for improvement of the field of adult education for the following period were defined, in which one suggests to the competent authorities that it is necessary to:

  1. Adopt adult education programmes based on the learning outcomes;
  2. Think about shortening of the duration of formal adult education programmes;
  3. Define lower limit (minimum) of number of participants differently for general education and professional/vocational subjects;
  4. Harmonise the terms of formal and non-formal programmes;
  5. Equalize the amount of the administrative fee for the process of assessing the working conditions of adult education providers, and the process of accreditation of programmes;
  6. Harmonise regulation on institutions who are eligible to realise formal adult education programmes, especially primary adult education;
  7. Add graphs and pictures of public documents, besides text description, in the regulation on public documents in adult education;
  8. Harmonise the process of printing, issuing and protecting of public documents;
  9. Harmonise adult education in all administrative units with the Principles and Standards in the Field of Adult Education;
  10. Strengthen cross-sectoral cooperation aimed at developing and assuring quality in adult education; and
  11. Initiate a revision of the Principles and Standards in the Field of Adult Education.

Participants of the second meeting, each for its administrative unit, also defined necessary steps by following the mentioned recommendations, whereby the realisation of all the steps defined is planned for the period December 2018 - December 2019. Therefore, one can expect laws and regulation in the field of adult education in Bosnia and Herzegovina to be much better and clearer defined, as well more harmonised by the end of 2019.

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