Thanks to the support of DVV International - Country Office Bosnia and Herzegovina, which has included the equipment and materials for training programs and adult education library, the Lifelong Learning Center of Faculty of Political Sciences University of Sarajevo has been officially opened. The Center will offer training programs in newly equipped space to the current and former students of Faculty of Political Sciences, as well as other interested participants, from the fields that are in domain of the Faculty's core activities (politology, sociology, communicology, social work and, security and peace studies). The donation to Head of the Center, Prof Dr Lejla Turčilo, and Secretary of the Center, Doc Dr Belma Buljubašić, has been granted by director of DVV International - Country Office B&H, Dr.Sc. Emir Avdagić.
The Center is part of the efforts of Faculty of Political Sciences of University of Sarajevo to develop the offer of lifelong learning programs, apart from the ordinary educational offer, so in that aspect, the Center's activities will be organised according to the andragogical standards and principles.
Besides the elaboration of Educational Offer Catalogue, the activities of Center's entry in the Register of Adult Education Providers of Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Sarajevo Canton, will be undertaken in 2018.