Second Module of Andragogical Development for West Herzegovina Teachers

The second module of the publicly recognized program of andragogical development in West Herzegovina Canton was held on the 6th and 7th of October in Ljubuški on the topic Communication, group dynamics and educational group management.

The second module of the publicly recognized program of andragogical development in West Herzegovina Canton was held on the 6th and 7th of October in Ljubuški on the topic Communication, group dynamics and educational group management.

The training program is attended by 22 teachers of public institutions from the canton area, and the second module was realized by the trainer Assistant Professor Perica Ivanek, Ph.D.

The module contains two essential, functionally linked competencies – communication and educational group management competencies. It tends to train the participants for dynamic, interactive and constructive interpersonal communication to achieve educational and professional outcomes effectively.

Topics covered by the second module are:

  • Nature, elements and levels of Communication
  • Active listening principles
  • Types of Communication and factors of constructive Communication in work with adults
  • Assessment, giving feedback and criticizing
  • Non-verbal communication
  • Coaching and counseling in work with adults
  • Managing the dynamic of an educational group – methods and means
  • Solving problematic situations.

Basic adult education training in West Herzegovina Canton is organized in accordance with the Agreement on Cooperation between DVV International – Country Office Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of West Herzegovina Canton.


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